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Classes Located at The CYP Loft and taught by Rabbi Henoch Rosenfeld


Reveal the soul of Jewish ritual life and how to make each mitzvah personal, and a way to connect to something beyond ourselves.

Each week, we put one area of Jewish law under the microscope and explore its rationale, relevance, and practical application. As we proceed, a complete vision of the mysticism, the beauty, and the richness of divinely inspired life will emerge.

Weekly at 7:45 - 9 PM. Dinner will be served. 

Tuesday, May 14 | Lesson 1

Unroll the Scroll: The mystery of the mezuzah, that little parchment that keeps your home safe -- and sacred.

Tuesday, May 21 | Lesson 2 

Soul Food: Go behind the symbols and certification agencies to discover the world of kashrut

Tuesday, May 28 | Lesson 3

Endlessly Blessed: How can reciting “baruch atah...” make your life more mindful, focused, and grounded?

Tuesday, June 4 | Lesson 4

Pray it Forward: Close your eyes and express your soul through the uplifting end elusive language of prayer.

06/04/2024 7:45 PM
Chabad Young Professionals
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Course Commitment
Course Commitment
Register for 1 $36.00
Couple $65.00
Tier 1 $54.00
Tier 2 $108.00
Tier 3 $180.00
Tier 4 $360.00
Tier 5 $500.00